Joint Advisory Group on Data Management

This technical experts group was created to provide advice on technical issues and to promote harmonisation and standardisation in the area of fisheries data management & communications, primarily between the North East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NEAFC) and the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). These organisations are the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) for North Atlantic and the competent authorities for international waters in their respective regions.

JAGDM is open to experts nominated by any Contracting Party to any RFMO, and will provide advice or technical recommendations to any such party. The group does not make binding decisions, only provides advice and technical recommendations to those who ask for it. It is entirely up to those who seek input from JAGDM to decide what to do with that input.

JAGDM Chair: Jens Altern Wathne, Norway.
JAGDM Vice-Chair: Natasha Antle-Barbour, Canada.

Support to the group is provided by North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) Secretariat, please contact for any login questions or account requests.